English speakers wanted

We’re looking for English speaking parents to collaborate with the school to improve the English level of our kids. You can go to the classroom to tell a story, to discuss with some children or to support the teachers in some activities. If you’re interested you can send a message to educativa@ampapidenxandri.cat. We count on you!

Estem buscant voluntaris que parlin anglès per tal de col·laborar amb l’escola a millorar el nivell d’anglès dels nostres fills i filles. La col·laboració pot consistir en explicar un conte a la classe, conversar amb alguns alumnes o ajudar als mestres a fer una activitat. Si voleu ajudar o coneixeu algú que hi podria estar interessat podeu enviar un missatge a educativa@ampapidenxandri.cat. Comptem amb vosaltres!


2 respostes a «English speakers wanted»

  1. Avatar de Chris Stead
    Chris Stead


    I’m Daniela Stead’s (P4) father, a native English speaker and Secondary school English teacher, and I’d love to help out if i can. I’m free on Monday afternoons from three o’clock onwards. I’ve mentioned this to Dani’s tutor and we’re going to sort arrange something, but if there is anything else I can do to help, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

    Kind regards,

    Chris Stead

  2. Hello, I am not a native English speaker, but I would propose to configure all the computers in the English language, because it is a nice way to learn technical English.

    Best regards,


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