New Pi d’en Xandri English language committee.

We’re proud to anounce that we’ve created the new Pi d’en Xandri English language committee.

The goal of the committee is to facilitate the practice and perfection of English skills within our community.

We’d like you to collaborate as a volunteer… So, how can you help?

  1. You can come to class to talk with our older children in English by joining our pilot session.
  2. You can come to class to read or tell simple stories to our younger children.
  3. You can help creating our English Virtual Library by recommending your best youtubechannels, apps, websites, cartoons, tv shows.
  4. Suggest any other activity, initiative, project, program, idea and so on that can help our children to improve their English language skills.
  5. You can join our English Language committee and give us a hand.  Our email is

Pilot Test Conversation Sessions for 2017/18 course

Albert (our English teacher) is happy to welcome English speaking Volunteers at his 5th and 6th grade English classes.
All you have to do is to sign up to our pilot test sessions and offer English conversation for 45 minutes.

Step 1: let us know your availability. Month, day and hour.

Step 2: Albert will be in touch with you to confirm the date and guide you with the chosen English topic so you will prepare for it in advance.

Step 3: you come to class, join the conversation and have a great time!.

Guiri Club Xandri

The goal of this club is organizing family gatherings, drinks and any fun activities within the English speakers community.

We understand that there are many guiris in our community. Lets meet up for a beer!

If you want to join this informal group let us know your mobile phone number and we will add you to our whatsapp group.

Take the survey and let us know about you

Tell us about you, we want to understand the variety of talents, accents and backgrounds that we can put in good use in our community.

In order to make this fun we have created the below survey.  Please help us by taking 3 minutes of your time to fill it up.

Thank you in advance for your participation!

So now … Click the link to start the survey.
Lets start!


Una resposta a «New Pi d’en Xandri English language committee.»

  1. Avatar de Rosa Preto
    Rosa Preto

    Hola, molt bona iniciativa, tot i que el Guiri Club sona un poc excloent si no som “Guiri” o forani o per les persones que no tenen un alt nivell d’anglès.

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